Philosophical Stories as Textbooks: Advantages and Necessities of Stories from the Perspective of the Founders of P4C Program

Document Type : Scientific- research


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy for Children and Adolescents, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this study is to investigate and infer the advantages of philosophical stories and their uses as textbooks. The research method is descriptive-inferential (progressive analysis). The sources reviewed include stories presented by P4C pioneers. To explain the necessity of philosophical stories as textbooks, the concept of philosophy is examined from the perspective of the founders of P4C program, and their arguments that children and adolescents’ questions can sometimes be found only in philosophical exploration are presented. Then, the importance of symbolic explanation and philosophical capabilities of stories from the perspective of the founders of P4C program is discussed. Based on the results, according to the founders of P4C, these stories are not only useful but also necessary to achieve the goals of education. It can be concluded that philosophical stories have good potentials to be used in curricula, and from the point of view of the founders of P4C, they have the advantages of being attractive and thought-provoking, being more vivid than other texts, and linking class topics to the students’ lives. Based on these findings, it seems that stories in all fields of knowledge can lead to students’ cognitive construction with the help of classroom exploration.


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