Presenting a Model of Elementary Schools Persian Curriculum Objectives Based on Critical Thinking

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 PhD Candidate of Curriculum Planning, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management and planning, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


This research was carried out with the aim of providing a model of the objectives of the Persian curriculum of the elementary school based on critical thinking.The research is qualitative and a combination of content analysis and theoretical method.In order to collect research data semi-structured interviews and document review were used.Due to the non-approval of the Persian curriculum guide, the Persian teacher's guide for the first to sixth grades, the non-final version of the Persian language and literature curriculum guide for 2019, the Persian language and literature curriculum guide for 2014 were reviewed and Interviews were conducted with 47 primary school teachers,Persian language and literature professors and curriculum experts, and open and axial coding was used for data analysis.In the next step by applying theoretical research and doing selective coding, the paradigm model of the Persian curriculum of the elementary school based on critical thinking was presented.According to the results obtained, among the objectives of the Persian curriculum, the development of social and communication skills, the coherence of thoughts and systematic thinking, and deep thinking and insight are based on the approach of critical thinking, among which the last one is most related to The components of critical thinking.
Keywords: Model, Objectives of Curriculum, Persian Language, Critical thinking, Primary School
Introduction: The Persian curriculum is especially important in the elementary school because learning other elementary school subjects is also achieved by learning the Persian language. Therefore, the Persian curriculum can be a suitable platform for promoting critical thinking, and it should be seen how it can be used efficiently in this direction. Since the objectives of the curriculum play a role by providing a suitable platform and directing educational activities and resources, developing the model of the objectives of the Persian curriculum based on critical thinking can also realize the process of promoting critical thinking in other subjects. Something that has been neglected in the Persian curriculum of the elementary school so far, and such a research gap seems noticeable. In this way, this research was carried out with the aim of providing a model of the objectives of the Persian curriculum of the elementary school based on critical thinking.
Materials and Methods: The current research is based on a combination of inductive content analysis and theoretical research. The data collection tool was document review and semi-structured interview. The non-approval of the Persian curriculum guide prompted the researchers to analyze the content of the Persian teacher's guide for grades 1 to 6 and the non-final version of the Persian language and literature curriculum guide for 2019, along with the curriculum guide for language education and learning and Persian literature in 2014, to be able to extract and classify the objectives of the Persian curriculum. Also, interviews were conducted with 47 elementary school teachers, Persian language and literature professors, and curriculum specialists. Open and axial coding was used for data analysis. Next, by applying theoretical research and selective coding, a paradigm model was designed.
To conduct a theoretical research in the curriculum, it was divided into four stages: a) Conceptualization: Based on this, the research requires two conceptual schemes for implementation. In the current research, the first scheme is critical thinking, for which Jebeliadeh's research (2023) is the basis of practice. According to this research, based on synthesis research, 16 components have been extracted for critical thinking, which are: recognition, information gathering, analysis, reflection, derivation, presentation, evaluation, self-criticism, rationality, creativity, flexibility, transparency, organization, self-reliance, Exploration and interaction. The second scheme is the objectives of the Persian curriculum, which, as explained earlier, has been used through qualitative content analysis with two methods of open and axial coding. b) In this stage of the current research, the components of critical thinking have been compared with the objectives of the Persian curriculum and it has been determined which of the objectives of the Persian curriculum are related to critical thinking. In this step, selective coding is used. c) The stage of creating a conceptual scheme: on this basis, the researchers achieved a new combination by using the components obtained from the two designed models, and the strategic, causal, contextual, intervening factors and consequences were determined according to the data analysis, which include Causal factors: lack of codified and approved Persian curriculum, lack of training and correct understanding of critical thinking by teachers, expecting only language learning from Persian curriculum. Strategic factors: empowering and improving social and communication skills, paying attention to intellectual and cognitive skills, changing the approach of program goals towards deep thinking. Contextual factors: plans and programs of education, documents and macro policy of the country. Intervening factors: cultural and political barriers, limited time and facilities. Consequences: development of personal skills, development of life skills, help in educational success.  In the following, a paradigm model of the objectives of the Persian curriculum of the elementary school was designed based on the critical thinking approach. d) This step, which is the most effective step in theoretical research in the curriculum, is an attempt to criticize and measure the proposed conceptual scheme. Therefore, the designed model was presented to the experts in a meeting by the researchers, and the attendees reviewed the research process and the results obtained, and after the meeting, the corrective comments of these professors were summarized and the designed model was modified.
Discussion and Result: The results of the research showed that among the goals of the Persian curriculum, 3 goals of Mastering the structure and rules of the language, Promotion of integrated competences with other curriculum areas, and Familiarity with the literary manifestation of the Persian language with critical thinking components are not achieved, and the other goals: Development of social and communication skills, Coherence of thoughts and systematic thinking, and Deep thinking and Insight are realized with the components of flexibility, self-reliance, interaction, analysis, organization, gathering information, reflection, derivation, evaluation, exploration and rationality. Also, none of the components of recognition, presentation, self-criticism, creativity, and transparency have fulfilled any of the goals of the elementary school Persian curriculum. According to the research results, intelligent formulation of curriculum goals plays a key role in promoting critical thinking. Therefore, it is suggested that the implementation of the designed model be verified in different regions of the country, according to the educational spaces and trained forces. The level of awareness of teachers, as one of the main elements of education, of the components of critical thinking and the way of implementing models based on it, should be investigated and a comprehensive program to retrain teachers and empower new teachers across the country to apply critical thinking components in the curriculum should be developed by the Ministry of Education. Also, revising the Persian curriculum guide for the elementary school and paying attention to all aspects of critical thinking in a balanced way can be a way forward in accelerating the improvement of students' critical thinking.


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