Investigating the characteristics of the curriculum elements of global citizenship education for children aged 7to 12 years

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Ph.D.Studen of Curriculum Planning, Department of Educational Sciences ,Tabriz Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences ,Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University,Tabriz, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Adminstration, Farhangian University,Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

5 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University. Urmia, Iran.


The aim of the current research is to examine the elements of the global citizenship education curriculum based on the Akker pattern., qualitative research tradition , research method, thematic analysis, have been used.  The participants of the research included specialists in the fields of curriculum planning, philosophy of education , social sciences of Tabriz and Urmia universities.   Purposive sampling method was selected based on the theoretical  saturation of the findings, the data collection tool was a semi-structured interview . the coding was done in the manner of primary code, main-theme and sub-theme. findings of the research showed based on the Akker pattern , Objective, objective 15, the features 10 , and basics7. The Content, content is 3, basics 9,                                                                                                                                                     
1Ph.D.Studen of  Curriculum Planning, Department of  Educational Sciences ,Tabriz Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. 09148531145
2 Associate  Professor, Department of  Educational Sciences ,Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University,Tabriz, Iran. (Corresponding Author) isabarqi@yahoo.com09141904108
3Assistant Professor, Department of  Educational Adminstration, Farhangian University,Tehran, Iran. 09141014575
4 Assistant Professor, Department of  Educational Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. 09142526231
5Associate Professor, Department of  Educational Sciences, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University. Urmia, Iran. 09144401882
features 3 . Tools , suitability 4, virtual 6, traditional 11. Teaching methods , active 4 , integrated 3. Time , basics 3, duration time 3 . Place characteristics 3, psycho-social 5 , virtual space 3.Grouping, features 4, and grouping basics 4. The role of the teacher, the individual characteristics 4 and the skills 4. Evaluation includes , direct observation by the teacher 6, the parents1, the evaluation tools3. Logic and reasoning ,why due to the Exsisting situation 2, ideals 7.  
Keywords: Curriculum,Global, Citizenship ,Childern, 7 to 12 years
In current research to investigate the elements of the global citizenship education curriculum based on the Akker pattern ,for children aged 7-12.
Materials & Methods
 In This  research of the qualitative research tradition, and the thematic analysis method have been used.  The participants were specialists in curriculum planning, philosophy of education and social sciences from Tabriz and Urmia universities. Purposive sampling, semi-structured interviews until theoretical saturation were obtained after interviewing 22 experts.
Discussion & Result
  The objectives ,includes, familiarizing students with the global citizenship education program, learning the skills necessary to become a global citizenship, flexibility in accordance with the acceptance of valid cultures of the world, diversity in attention to the curriculum with emphasis on the horizontal aspect of curriculum organization, integration Curriculum adapted to global issues. feature, the concepts of appropriateness with the age and psychological needs of students, in line with the specific general goals of the UNESCO organization, appropriateness with the general goals of Iran's education and training, assessing the needs of families, appropriate to the world culture, in the cultural, ethnic frameworks of people and climates. different Iran, realizing the feature of a global citizenship, strengthening multiple skills and intelligences, critical thinking, promoting empathy and believing that I am a human being and treat humans as human beings. basics, concepts of global goals, based on upstream documents, related to the global citizenship on a local basis, based on agreed global principles, based on respect for divine religions, paying attention to the 2030 document in case of compliance with the laws of the Islamic Republic, based on the Quran and Nahj Al-Balagheh (Islamic principles), based on the opinions and writings of classical and modern philosophers based on the principles of the curriculum of the Islamic Republic of Iran, content content, sub-content content, concepts of different accepted cultures, values and cultures of Iranian society. the basics of the content, includes the concepts of the experiences of advanced countries, stages of development, attention to cultural changes and differences, the transformation document of the Ministry of Education, surveys of families and thinkers, based on common global issues, based on media knowledge. and content feature, which consists of the concepts of interdisciplinary content, logical sequence in the content, and vertical and horizontal communication, resources and tools under the theme of appropriateness of educational tools, including concepts that are suitable for the conditions and other facilities, suitable for the student, needs, characteristics and abilities, suitable for the teacher's skills, suitable for the subject, virtual education tools from the concepts of computer, smart phone, mobile phone, laptop, virtual social networks, limited computer network, smart whiteboard and traditional education tools which include, wall journal, drawing,Paintings, posters, charts, photos, writings, wall newspapers, films, meetings with different cultures, textbooks and wall newspapers are formed. Teaching methods, active methods from the concepts of problem solving, brainstorming, student-centered, project. integrated methods consists of concepts, constructivism , reporting of global,collaborative events. training time, specialized basics of time, birth time, based on the content , project the theme of the duration of training per week, including the concepts of any time, 2 hours per week, 4 hours per week are formed. place and space of education, physical feature from the concepts of the classroom environment, formal and informal environments and the Minister's house, the psycho-social space, focusing on dimensions of any type of culture, the possibility of proper eye contact, stimulation of conflict and activity, away from Stress and anxiety. virtual space, concepts within the country , school and virtual space are formed in relation to other countries. evaluation is direct observation by parents of the concept of descriptive evaluation. , project, report writing, are formed. grouping, the sub-theme of features, random concepts, number and heterogeneity, the minister of the theme of basics, understanding the diversity of global citizenship education, are formed according to the choice of students and based on the subject and interests of the students and respect for individual differences. teacher's role, individual characteristics, concepts, designing experiences , learning opportunities, interested, accepting change, free-thinking. theme of why includes the sub-theme of reasons caused by the existing situation, from the concepts of the need to know the surrounding environment, the lack of intellectual, ideological, scientific and educational boundaries. people of the world in line with advancing the goals of human life, training for the management of future generations All ages and for different places regardless of time and place, the spread of communication and interactions through the Internet, the phenomenon  ofglobal villag    globalization   is formed.
The codes extracted in this study showed that curriculum elements are also affected by global developments and changes, that should be taken into account. In order to, children should be taught skills that can be effective role in the global society, to prepare interact with the complex world

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